I am Cheries Tan, this is my real life experience that I want to share with you all. I am sincerely showed my gratitude towards Coney Beauty Salon due to my serious skin problem has been cured. I have a sensitive skin. My friend went to travel and bought me a mask, it causing my face seriously sensitive, redness, itchy and acne problem. I went to the 2-3 skin specialist for injections and take some medication, it cause my heart rate is accelerating and breathing difficulties .This incident took 2 months / 3 months and no improvement but getting more painful. I used to hide at home and even not going to work. Through a friend's advice, I went to Coney Beauty Salon beauty salon, the boss is kind and willing to help to rescue my face, I choose to "believe" her, and come to do face treatment every two weeks and use the skin care products. My skin become well gradually, slowly my pores is minimizing and face is shiny, I have become more confident, grateful heart you are good! Thank you for your company's beautician warm, thoughtful and excellent service and your company's products that make my skin is more radiant and shiny. I would grateful to recommend my friends to visit Coney Beauty Salon.
本人我叫Cheries Tan ,这是我真人真实的经历也是我要与大家分享我的点滴,为了要表达我内心的由衷的感谢Coney Beauty Salon美容院把我严重糟糕透的脸治好。 本人我的肌肤天生肤质较薄血红丝根敏感混合性肌肤 我的朋友去旅行买了面膜送给我,拿来敷结果面膜的成分不适合我,导致我的脸严重敏感、红肿、发痒,长了满脸的痘痘就去了2-3间皮肤专科打针吃药用医生的产品也服了医生的药导致我心跳加速呼吸困难整整2个月/3个月几乎都没有好转反而更加严重非常痛苦不敢出门躲在家无法面对连上班都没去,我的脸是我的命根我无法接受大受打击几乎奔溃。 通过一位知己的推荐下我去了贵公司Coney Beauty Salon美容院,老板娘很乐意的帮助我尽心尽力地把我的脸治好,当时的我选择"相信"她,照她所说的一切勤劳每一两个星期来做护理和用护肤品 渐渐的皮肤修复镇定下来,慢慢变的毛孔细小有光泽,我整个人也变到很有自信满满容光焕发,感恩的心有您真好! 感谢贵公司的美容师们态度热情服务周到在你们美容院进行美容院护理的期间也让我真切的认识到贵公司产品的优秀之处提供优质服务和为大家推荐优良产品让我们的肌肤更加白皙光泽,看起来更加青春美丽。 愿贵公司在今后的经营中能赢得更多的顾客的喜欢和认同。祝你们在今后的业绩"生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江。 非常感激Coney Beauty Salon美容院。我会与大家分享,介绍来贵公司。
My face is full of freckles before this, i have spent a lot of money to buy a lot of skin care products, i have tried so many , but still no way to improve my skin problems. Face freckles made me lost confident!
After doing this (OPT) instrument,finally i can say goodbye to my 10 years of freckles. This instrument not only solved my freckles problem, but also improved the skin pores, dull, sensitive problems. Not only doing this instrument, I also using Coney beauty salon products, the effect will come more ideal!
Testimonials: Since doing freckle care, I no longer spend time to cover the face of the freckles before going out! Smooth and delicate skin also makes me very confident, full of joy!
自從做了這臺(OPT) 儀器之後,我終於可以和跟了我十多年的雀斑說再見啦!這臺儀器不但解決了我的雀斑問題,同時也改善了皮膚毛孔粗大、暗沈、敏感的問題。做了這臺儀器之後,我也配合了Coney美容院的產品,效果會來得更理想呢!